Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Projection Idea 2

Projection Idea 1

The FINAL video!!!!...hopefully...

This is our final video, all the clips are how we want them (after a few alterations today) and we added the final pieces of sound which Ally had played and recorded on her piano last night. She recorded 2 different pieces for the more cheerful part in our video, one fast and one slow. We all decided that the slow happy piece of music was perfect for the part we intended it to go. I think it looks great now and I'm proud of what we have achieved I think it's pretty impressive (even if I do say so myself).
Now we just need to sort out the way in which we want to project our video. We were able to do a little experimenting with the projector this afternoon,where we projected a video onto the ball. I think projecting it this way gave a really interesting effect. Later in the week, once the ball has been covered in mod rock, we are going to go into college and see how we can suspend the ball and what height and angle both the ball and projector need to be.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Further Progress

Today we were in college for ceramics and decided that in the afternoon we would try and finish off most of the video. We have all the film clips in now and the sound is almost complete, there is one section of the video where there isn't any sound as we couldn't find a suitable piece of music to go with these particular clips. Ally, is tonight, going to try and record some music on her piano that will hopefully be perfect for this section and tomorrow we will be able to officially say that we have finished our video.


This is an updated photo of the progress on the cast for our ball. Carol has now made two half casts of her exercise ball from papier mache which she has fitted together. This will now be ready for us to experiment with on tuesday so that we can figure out how our projection is going to work. If our idea can work we can then cover the papier mache with mod rock to make it more solid.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Judith Barry

These projections give the illusion that the images are floating.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Krzysztof Wodiczko

Krzysztof Wodiczko - The Tijuana Projection

This is a projection of a womans face that is projected onto a dome building in Mexico. This projection is about the life in an area of Mexico where I think that people move for a supposedly better life than they have, however they go from one kind of hell to another. I like the way that the face is strected into a circular shape to fit the dome, I think this gives a stressed expression of dispair. I think this could be a bit like how our video might look when projected onto the ball shape, with the edges of the video/image being slightly less visible than what is seen at the centre of the ball.

A Bit More Sound

This is our video again with a bit more sound and with few alterations that we need to sort out. At this moment we can't seem to get the sound exactly how we want it, the biggest contribution to this is the fact that the sound on the Mac's is extremely quiet especially when playing an imovie, this has meant that we are having to continuously upload our video to youtube at each step so that we can properly hear the sound on our home computers; and then note down what we think so that when we go back into college we know which bits need altering.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Video with some sound!

This is our film with some sound. We have added some audio that goes with particular clips and we have also added some Sigur Ros tracks and a Kubb track which I brought in with me today, this audio helped us figure out what type of music and sound we wanted at different parts of our video. My favourite section of the film so far is the middle, this has the intro to a Kubb track called Chemical. I think it is a good piece of atmospheric music that really suits the clips that it is played along with. However I think that the other sounds we have added may make it seem like a music video. Tomorrow Ally is going to try and bring in some atmospheric music she has recorded herself playing on the piano which she tried to bring in today, but for some reason they wouldn't upload.

Projection and Tony Oursler

This is a photo off Carol's blog that is of her exercise ball covered in papier mache. We decided that for tuesdays session that we would have a cast of the ball to se see how our video would look projected onto it. This ball shape would represent the shape of an eyeball which would fit with the theme of our video 'Mind's Eye'. We need work out whether the video will look right projected onto this shape and whether we can suspend the shape from the ceiling with some kind of fishing wire, which would then hopefully give the illusion that it is floating.

Tony Oursler - Eye In The Sky

This is a fiberglass sphere, projected onto it is a single eye watching television. The fact that we only see the eye emphasises on how much important the eye is and how much information is taken in by the eye. The image and information capturing is represented by the flickering and twitching on the eye, this gives a very abstract view into our minds. "...encourages multiple interpretations, examines aspects of abstraction, self-portraiture and identity, social consciousness, popular culture and the city as a state of mind."
I would like to think that we could project our video in a similar way so that it would make people think about how you can never know what is going on in someones mind and what they actually see, as everyone sees things differently. Knowing what someone is seeing doesn't mean that you know what is going on inside their mind, someone can have many thoughts and images going around in their mind at any one time.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Finished video,....without sound that is!

This is our 'finished' video. I think it's really good, however I think we will probably be changing a few parts as we do the sound after watching it a few more times. I think that working in a trio has helped to produce a better video than someone working on their on as we benefit from having different opinions.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Hopefully tomorrow we will be able to finish all the clip editing and finally finish the film (without sound), obviously we will probably end up changing a few things to make it better having looked at it a few times to make sure that we are deffinately happy with it. We can then start getting our sound edited and placed with our film.

Raw Footage from Carol and Ally

Saturday, January 20, 2007

These are two clips I filmed of my friend smiling, one is in black and white and one is in colour.

These are some more clips of my friend these are of her skipping towards and away from the camera.
I thought that these could be useful for the part in the video where things turn around and the thoughts lighten up.

Thursday, January 18, 2007


This is another clip of 'blood' brown ink dripping down the side of an empty sink.

This is a film of me pretending to have a nose bleed. I used tomato puree and blackcurrent juice to make the blood.

A clip of me with fake blood coming out of my mouth, there is another clip after this which is of me pretending to cut my hand with a knife.

More clips

I filmed this clip of blood dripping in water using a negative effect on my mobile, I used the green ink for the blood as in negative gren looks red, but I think that the 'blood' looks a bit like fire and a mini explosion.

This is another film of 'blood' dripping in water, however this time I filmed it normally and used brown ink.

This is a clip of brown ink dripping down an empty sink.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


These are 2 clips of a Mickey Mouse toy car I filmed, I think these could be useful to represent someone having random thoughts. We are always thinking of more than one thing at once and the things that we think of son't always make sense.

This clock could be used to reprersent the passing of time in our video, this was filmed by my mum whilst I attempted to wind the clock really fast.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Video Clips

These are some clips that I filmed of me writing, I thought these could be useful to express the persons thoughts instead of text in our video. I don't think that text would fit in of look probably and instead of having text I think this kind of writing will look better and more natural.

This is a clip I filmed of me blowing out a candle.

Success at last!

Today was finally a success, all the clips went onto the mac and we could start putting the video together. We have the first minute together and at this point it's looking really good. The plan for tomorrow is to collect some more clips and images for the next part of our video and we'll be back in on thursday to sort those out and crack on with the rest.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Footage from Youtube

A beating heart cell.

From axons to tracts: A journey through the brain's wiring.

These are some videos that I found on youtube which I thought might be useful for the parts in our video where we are supposed to be inside the brain/body.

This is a video of someone filming their eye which I found on youtube, they are concentrating on their pupil contracting and dilating, this is the effect I was trying to achieve with my clip.

This is a video of my eye where I was trying to achieve the same effect as the video above, the problem with mine is that when I zoomed in using my camera phone the video wasn't very clear.

Back to College...

So Ally, Carol and I went into college today to finally get started on putting are film together, we all brought our clips and photo's in that we had seperately collected, i brought mine on my memory stick and they uploaded onto the mac without any trouble. Allys clips were on her digi cam and they uploaded fine however something strange happened to her camera and she lost her stuff off it. We had the most trouble with Carols clips, hers were kept on her new camcorder(we tried to upload them straight from the camera), they were also on a dvd which she had burned at home, however neither would let us play the clips. We then decided that if we uploaded them from the camera onto a microsoft computer(in the library) burned the stuff onto a CDRW(bought from the college shop) would mean that we could change the format of the clips so that they would eventually work on the macs(the mac suite), for safe keeping we also downloaded the clips onto my memory stick just incase this might work. However none of this worked, eventually we gave up and called it a day, Carol will tonight resave the clips into a different format so that they will hopefully work on the macs tomorrow when we have another try.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

These are some videos that I found on youtube of the matrix code, I thought that they would be a good representation of information of coding in the brain.

Video Ideas After Meeting With Carol and Allyson

Today the three of us all met to discuss our ideas, we all knew that we wanted to do something about the human body. To be more specific we are going to base it on the 'Mind's Eye' where we will be looking into effects on the body, thoughts, what people see, emotions, etc. Over the weekend we are going to collect images and clips of things that can be included in our video, we will then be meeting on Monday at college to start putting or video together.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Ally and I were supposed to be going to Carol's today to get our ideas together so that we could get started on our video, but Carol's still ill with the flu, so we're going to have to arrange another day when Carol's better.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Lava Lamp Videos

After talking to Carol about the environment in which e should show our video Carol experimented with recording her lava lamp. I thought that it might be a good idea to use the lava lamp lighting as lighting whilst our video is being played. I then decided that it would be a good idea for me to record my lava lamp because it is different to Carols; my lamp has plain green lava with large glitter particles in the lava so it gives different lighting compared to normal lava lamps.

These two videos are also of my lava lamp which I filmed using the camera on my phone. For these videos of the lamp I filmed them with an effect on, which was a negative effect. I really liked these videos because I thought that they could be interpreted as blood cells flowing in a vein. I think that this could be useful for our video.

Friday, January 5, 2007

More photo's of my eye, gradually zooming in...

I decided to take the photograph of my eye which I had played around with the saturation. I think that it has a freakyness about it. After thinking about what would be good for the beginning of a video about the 'Mind's Eye', I thought that it would be good to have a zoom into the pupil of an eye which would then just lead to blackness as you were entering the mind. To show this effect I zoomed into the original photo and took screen shots as I zoomed into the pupil. I think that this would be like a warping effect, which would be a good beginning for a video.

Photo's of my eye...

This is a photograph of my eye normally, however when I took it my eye was a little bit bloodshot.

This is another photograph of my eye, with this photo I played with the saturation settings on my phone to alter the colouring of the photo.

When taking this photograph of my eye I took it with the negative effect on my phone.

I think that all these photo's could be used in some way for our video.

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Carol, Allyson and I plan to meet up on the 8th to start planning or video, however we have gathered more ideas about what subject we want our video to be about, which is humans and more specifically about what goes on in peoples heads and physical things about the body such as breathing, heartbeat, what someone hears ect...

Video Ideas

Before breaking up for Christmas Carol, Allyson and i had decided to work together on the video and we all went away to think of some ideas before we all come to together again after New Year to discuss making the video. These are some of my thoughts that i had written down.

  • What you think when your alone, thoughts in the head
  • The way your mind plays tricks in the dark
  • Ways of expressing emotions
  • Loneliness
  • A day in the life of something and so that the camera is that thing
  • Something scary
  • When people go around saying something, but they're really saying something else. Someone would say something and what they were actual meaning would appear in text
  • Reality/dream
  • Hallucinations
  • Deliriums